14 research outputs found

    Prawo do informacji publicznej. Wybrane wątpliwoƛci interpretacyjne w doktrynie i orzecznictwie sądów administracyjnych

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    The provisions of the Act on Access to Public Information regulate, among others, the subjective and objective scope of the right to public information, reasons for restricting access to information, procedure and form of disclosure, rules for creating and publishing information in the Public Information Bulletin, costs of activities leading to the disclosure of information and the establishment of complaint proceedings in the event of refusal to provide the public information requested. Therefore, it is worth to pay attention to several problems arising from the analysis of statutory provisions and the practical consequences of applying the Act of 6 September 2001 on Access to Public Information. The current, extremely extensive, output of doctrine and jurisprudence allows for a fairly “efficient” summary of the considerations made in both literature and judicial and administrative case law.Przepisy ustawy o dostępie do informacji publicznej regulują m.in. zakres podmiotowy i przedmiotowy prawa do informacji publicznej, przyczyny ograniczenia udostępnienia informacji, procedurę i formę udostępniania, zasady tworzenia i publikowania informacji w Biuletynie Informacji Publicznej, koszty dziaƂaƄ prowadzących do udostępnienia informacji oraz zaƂoĆŒenia postępowania skargowego w przypadku odmowy udostępnienia ĆŒÄ…danych informacji publicznych. Warto zwrĂłcić uwagę na kilka problemĂłw wynikających z analizy przepisĂłw ustawowych oraz na konsekwencje praktyczne stosowania ustawy z dnia 6 wrzeƛnia 2001 r. o dostępie do informacji publicznej. Dotychczasowy, niezwykle juĆŒ obszerny dorobek doktryny i judykatury pozwala na doƛć „sprawne” podsumowanie rozwaĆŒaƄ poczynionych zarĂłwno w literaturze, jak i orzecznictwie sądowo-administracyjnym

    Formalization of Quasilattices

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    The main aim of this article is to introduce formally one of the generalizations of lattices, namely quasilattices, which can be obtained from the axiomatization of the former class by certain weakening of ordinary absorption laws. We show propositions QLT-1 to QLT-7 from [15], presenting also some short variants of corresponding axiom systems. Some of the results were proven in the Mizar [1], [2] system with the help of Prover9 [14] proof assistant.Dominik Kulesza - Institute of Informatics, University of BiaƂystok, PolandAdam Grabowski - Institute of Informatics, University of BiaƂystok, PolandGrzegorz Bancerek, CzesƂaw ByliƄski, Adam Grabowski, Artur KorniƂowicz, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Naumowicz, Karol Pąk, and Josef Urban. Mizar: State-of-the-art and beyond. In Manfred Kerber, Jacques Carette, Cezary Kaliszyk, Florian Rabe, and Volker Sorge, editors, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, volume 9150 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 261–279. Springer International Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-3-319-20614-1. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20615-8_17.Grzegorz Bancerek, CzesƂaw ByliƄski, Adam Grabowski, Artur KorniƂowicz, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Naumowicz, and Karol Pąk. The role of the Mizar Mathematical Library for interactive proof development in Mizar. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 61(1):9–32, 2018. doi:10.1007/s10817-017-9440-6.Garrett Birkhoff. Lattice Theory. Providence, Rhode Island, New York, 1967.B.A. Davey and H.A. Priestley. Introduction to Lattices and Order. Cambridge University Press, 2002.G. Gierz, K.H. Hofmann, K. Keimel, J.D. Lawson, M. Mislove, and D.S. Scott. A Compendium of Continuous Lattices. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1980.Adam Grabowski. Mechanizing complemented lattices within Mizar system. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 55:211–221, 2015. doi:10.1007/s10817-015-9333-5.Adam Grabowski and Robert Milewski. Boolean posets, posets under inclusion and products of relational structures. Formalized Mathematics, 6(1):117–121, 1997.Adam Grabowski and Markus Moschner. Managing heterogeneous theories within a mathematical knowledge repository. In Andrea Asperti, Grzegorz Bancerek, and Andrzej Trybulec, editors, Mathematical Knowledge Management Proceedings, volume 3119 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 116–129. Springer, 2004. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27818-4_9. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, Bialowieza, Poland, Sep. 19–21, 2004.Adam Grabowski and Damian Sawicki. On two alternative axiomatizations of lattices by McKenzie and Sholander. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2):193–198, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0017.Adam Grabowski and Christoph Schwarzweller. Translating mathematical vernacular into knowledge repositories. In Michael Kohlhase, editor, Mathematical Knowledge Management, volume 3863 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 49–64. Springer, 2006. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/11618027_4. 4th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, MKM 2005, July 15–17, 2005, Revised Selected Papers.Adam Grabowski, Artur KorniƂowicz, and Christoph Schwarzweller. Equality in computer proof-assistants. In Ganzha, Maria and Maciaszek, Leszek and Paprzycki, Marcin, editor, Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, volume 5 of ACSIS-Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, pages 45–54. IEEE, 2015. doi:10.15439/2015F229.George GrĂ€tzer. General Lattice Theory. Academic Press, New York, 1978.George GrĂ€tzer. Lattice Theory: Foundation. BirkhĂ€user, 2011.William McCune. Prover9 and Mace4. 2005–2010.William McCune and Ranganathan Padmanabhan. Automated Deduction in Equational Logic and Cubic Curves. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.Ranganathan Padmanabhan and Sergiu Rudeanu. Axioms for Lattices and Boolean Algebras. World Scientific Publishers, 2008.Piotr Rudnicki and Josef Urban. Escape to ATP for Mizar. In First International Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving-PxTP 2011, 2011.StanisƂaw Ć»ukowski. Introduction to lattice theory. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):215–222, 1990.28221722

    Cosmic ray driven dynamo in barred and ringed galaxies

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    We study the global evolution of the magnetic field and interstellar medium (ISM) of the barred and ringed galaxies in the presence of non-axisymmetric components of the potential, i.e. the bar and/or the oval perturbations. The magnetohydrodynamical dynamo is driven by cosmic rays (CR), which are continuously supplied to the disk by supernova (SN) remnants. Additionally, weak, dipolar and randomly oriented magnetic field is injected to the galactic disk during SN explosions. To compare our results directly with the observed properties of galaxies we construct realistic maps of high-frequency polarized radio emission. The main result is that CR driven dynamo can amplify weak magnetic fields up to few Ό\muG within few Gyr in barred and ringed galaxies. What is more, the modelled magnetic field configuration resembles maps of the polarized intensity observed in barred and ringed galaxies

    Long - term concequences of subdural hematoma on quality of life

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    CzyĆŒewski Wojciech, Litak Jakub, Kulesza BartƂomiej, RoliƄska Agnieszka, Staniewicz Dominik, Grochowski Cezary, Kruk RafaƂ, Tyzo BartƂomiej. Long - term concequences of subdural hematoma on quality of life. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(9):961-965. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1419662 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/5990 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/877650 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part b item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eissn 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2018; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 02.09.2018. Revised: 12.09.2018. Accepted: 15.09.2018. Long - term concequences of subdural hematoma on quality of life Wojciech CzyĆŒewski1, Jakub Litak2, BartƂomiej Kulesza2, Agnieszka RoliƄska3, Dominik Staniewicz4, Cezary Grochowski2, RafaƂ Kruk2, BartƂomiej Tyzo2 1 Department of Didactics and Medical Simulation Medical University of Lublin. 2 Department of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Neurosurgery SPSK-4 in Lublin. 3 Department of Clinical Psychology, 4 Medical University of Lublin. \ Krwiak podtwardĂłwkowy i jego dƂugoterminowy wpƂyw na jakoƛć ĆŒycia 1 ZakƂad Dydaktyki i Symulacji Medycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie. 2 Klinika Neurochirurgii i Neurochirurgii Dziecięcej SPSK4 w Lublinie. 3 ZakƂad Psychologii Stosowanej Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie. 4 Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie. Abstract Subdural hematoma (SDH) could be an acute state required rapid neurosurgical decompression, could also represent chronic form; both develop after head trauma as well. Long term influence on a quality of life depend on many factors. Researchers put a lot of effort to find those which play most predictive role. Abstrakt Krwiak podtwardĂłwkowy jako stan nagƂy moĆŒe wymagać szybkiej dekompresji neurochirurgicznej, moĆŒe rĂłwnieĆŒ mieć formę przewlekƂą - oba mogą być związane z urazem gƂowy. DƂugoterminowy wpƂyw na jakoƛć ĆŒycia zaleĆŒy od wielu czynnikĂłw. Badacze poszukuję tych ,ktĂłre maja największa wartoƛć predykcyjną. Key words: Subdural hematoma, bleeding. SƂowa kluczowe: Krwiak podtwardĂłwkowy, krwawienie

    Does participatory budgeting belong to democracy or bureaucracy? Case Study of Bialystok (Poland)

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    The paper presents the grounds for the wider project “Participatory budgeting - success or crisis of local democracy? Comparative legal study, aiming to explore what factors (dependent and independent from the policy makers) make from BP the instrument strengthening the local democracy and what are the barriers to fully exploit its potential. To this aim, we propose the theoretical model of the PB strengthening the local democracy. To test its validity, using the case of one of the Polish cities (Bialystok), we use the mix research method: the desk research, the qualitative and quantitative surveys and the qualitative interviews. The preliminary results have shown that PB do not imply the success of the democracy, but rather only its failure and the illusion of the citizens’ participation.Urszula K. Zawadzka-Pąk - Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok, PolandDominik Koƛciuk - Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok, PolandJustyna E. Kulikowska-Kulesza - Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok, PolandEwa Lotko - Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok, PolandAnna BrĂ©kine - University of Geneva, SwitzerlandAllegretti G., Paying Attention To The Participants’ Perceptions in Order to Trigger A Virtuous Circle, in: Hope For Democracy - 25 Years of Participatory Bugeting, Nelson Dias (org) 2014.Arnstein, S., A Ladder of Citizen Participation, “Journal of the American Planning Association” 1969, vol. 35.Damgaard B., Lewis J.M., Accountability and Citizen Participation, in: M. Bovens (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability, Oxford 2014.De Tocqueville A., Democracy in America, Liberty Fund 2010.Huberts L., The Integrity of Governance, What it is, What We Know, What is Done, and Where to Go, Palgrave Macmillan 2014.Jensen M.C., Meckling W.H., Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure, “Journal of Financial Economics” 1976, no. 4.Kennedy B., Unraveling Representative Bureaucracy: A Systematic. Analysis of the Literature, “Administration & Society” 2014, vol. 46 (4).Kingsly D.J., Representative Bureaucracy: An Interpretation of the British Civil Service, Yellow Springs, OH: Antioch Press 1944.Krislov S., Representative Bureaucracy, Ouid Pro Books, New Orleans, Louisiana 1974.Mosher F.C., Democracy and the Public Service, Oxford University Press, New York 1968.Murray C., The Tendrils of Community, in: D. Boaz (ed.), The Libertarian Reader, New York 1998.Senge P., The Fifth Discipline. The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization, Currency Doubleday, New York 1990.Wampler B., When Does Participatory Democracy Deepen the Quality of Democracy, “Comparative Politcs” 2008, no. 41 (1).36-428364

    Long - term concequences of subdural hematoma on quality of life

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    Subdural hematoma (SDH) could be an acute state required rapid neurosurgical decompression , could also represent chronic form ; both develope after head trauma as well. Long term influence on a quality of life depend on many factors. Reaserchers put a lot of effort to find those wchich play most predictive role

    Reasons for reoperation of patients undergoing surgical evacuation of an acute subdural hematoma – case raport and review of literature

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    Background: We are presenting a case and as well as its analyzis regarding subdural hematoma reoperations. Case description: A 48-year-old patient after head trauma operated on due to diagnosed right-sided subdural hematoma. On the second day of hospitalization he developed epidural hematoma at the operation site, which reuired second surgery. Conclusion: Early detection and prompt treatment may improve the poor outcome in this group of patients. The choice between craniotomy and craniectomy and additional risk factors as ASA and antiplatelet intake as well as age and alcohol abuse have unverified importance in the context of reoperation

    Search for supersymmetry in events with photons and low missing transverse energy in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV

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    This is the pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the links below - Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier.Many models of new physics, including versions of supersymmetry (SUSY), predict production of events with low missing transverse energy, electroweak gauge bosons, and many energetic final-state particles. The stealth SUSY model yields this signature while conserving R-parity by means of a new hidden sector in which SUSY is approximately conserved. The results of a general search for new physics, with no requirement on missing transverse energy, in events with two photons and four or more hadronic jets are reported. The study is based on a sample of proton–proton collisions at √s=7 TeV corresponding to 4.96 fb−1 of integrated luminosity collected with the CMS detector in 2011. Based on good agreement between the data and the standard model expectation, the data are used to determine model-independent cross-section limits and a limit on the squark mass in the framework of stealth SUSY. With this first study of its kind, squark masses less than 1430 GeV are excluded at the 95% confidence level.This study is supported by the BMWF and FWF (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); COLCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES (Croatia); RPF (Cyprus); MEYS (Czech Republic); MoER, SF0690030s09 and ERDF (Estonia); Academy of Finland, MEC, and HIP (Finland); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); OTKA and NKTH (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); NRF and WCU (Korea); LAS (Lithuania); CINVESTAV, CONACYT, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); MSI (New Zealand); PAEC (Pakistan); MSHE and NSC (Poland); FCT (Portugal); JINR (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan); MON, RosAtom, RAS and RFBR (Russia); MSTD (Serbia); SEIDI and CPAN (Spain); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); NSC (Taipei); ThEP, IPST and NECTEC (Thailand); TUBITAK and TAEK (Turkey); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF (USA)

    Search for third-generation leptoquarks and scalar bottom quarks in pp collisions at s=7  TeV \sqrt{s}=7\;TeV

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